Menschen für Menschen provides aid for self-development in Ethiopia – integrated, sustainable and at eye level. Our aim is to make the people independent of outside support in the long term. We have already been successful in our efforts for over 43 years, and propose to continue in future in the tradition of Karlheinz Böhm.

Together we can help, as Menschen für Menschen.

Our work...

Food security through improved methods of cultivation and animal husbandry, together with terracing and afforestation measures to combat soil erosion.

Hand dug wells and spring developments to supply the population with clean drinking water, awareness-raising for better hygiene.

Construction of schools, provision of training facilities in vocational schools (TVETs) and literacy courses.

Equipment of health centres to improve the standard of medical care, training of nursing staff and organization of awareness-raising campaign.

Promotion of small-scale enterprise to combat poverty, microcredits and education to improve the social standing of women; development of infrastructure for better access to markets.

... works:

Schools (newly built or extended)
Eye operations
Water points
Women who have taken up microcredits

Stories of Ethiopia

Accompany five people from rural Ethiopia a few steps in their lives. “Stories of Ethiopia” portrays the work of our foundation in the five focal areas of agriculture, water supply, education, health and income generation in Ethiopia using emotional stories from our project areas.

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