People receive treatment at the health centre in Borena - Health


Eye ailments, AIDS, malaria and infections are among the biggest threats. Few people in rural Ethiopia have easy access to good medical treatment.

We are working on improving health care facilities by providing rural health centres with medical equipment to enable operations and organize immunization programmes. An important role is also played by HIV/AIDS education, advice on the avoidance of diseases and family planning. Training programmes for nursing staff and awareness-raising campaigns ensure the sustainability of the measures.

The causes of many diseases

  • Dirty, bacterially contaminated water
  • Poor or one-sided nutrition
  • Poor hygienic conditions
  • Lack of information on the avoidance or treatment of diseases
  • Inadequate or non-existent medical care

Support for medical staff

Menschen für Menschen conducts training seminars on HIV prevention, immunization, hygiene, safe obstetrics or eye health. They are addressed to medical staff such as nurses, health advisers and traditional midwives. Eye surgery is carried out by specially trained employees of Menschen für Menschen or by specialists.

Our activities

  • Basic medical care
  • Family planning
  • HIV/AIDS prevention
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Support for individual cases

Health education in the villages

The measures to provide and improve government healthcare provision are embedded in numerous other activities for information and awareness-raising in the population. Social workers are actively engaged in the villages and schools to educate population on topics such as the importance of hygiene in avoiding infections and parasitic diseases, maintenance of eye health, methods of family planning or protection from HIV infection.

Vaccination time at the Menebeti health centre in the Wogdi project area. Women and children wait for treatment.
Injection of the Implanon preparation as part of the family planning campaign at the health centre in the village of Togo Getama.
Social worker Kassech Zewde explains the importance of family planning to women in the Dano project area.

Our achievements

Health centres
Eye operations
Family planning (patients recieving contraceptives)
Participants in awareness-raising courses
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