Women working in a field

Structure and bodies

Structure and bodies

Together for sustainable development in Ethiopia

Menschen für Menschen is politically and denominationally neutral and economically independent. The Menschen für Menschen Foundation Germany works together with the independent subsidiaries in Austria and Belgium. The country organizations raise funds independently of one another and carry out information and public relations work in their own country. Funds from all three countries flow into the project work in Ethiopia, which is conducted under the sole auspices of the German Foundation.

The central Project Coordination Office (PCO) in Addis Ababa is responsible for the implementation and supervision of all projects in the project regions. In formal terms the Ethiopian organization is a permanent business establishment of the German Foundation.

The head office of the German Menschen für Menschen Foundation is located in Munich. Around 25 employees work here in the Executive Board, Fundraising & Communications, Development Cooperation, Purchasing and Logistics, Donors Liaison, Finances and IT.

In Ethiopia we have a workforce of around 600, all of them are Ethiopians.

Development agent Habtamu Bacha in the village of Hudad, Asagirt project area, engaged in his daily work with the farmers.

Organisation chart

Menschen fuer Menschen Organisation Chart

The Executive Board

The Executive Board conducts business, manages the Foundation’s assets and ensures that the latter’s tasks are performed as efficiently as possible. The Executive Board consists of two members, appointed by the Supervisory Board. New members are elected by the Executive Board (co-optation). Their appointment requires the consent of the Supervisory Board.

Members of the Executive Board:
Dr. Sebastian Brandis (Spokesman) and Benjamin Freiberg.

The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board ensures that the Foundation acts according to the will of the founder and advises the Executive Board in all fundamental matters. It consists of six members. The members of the Supervisory Board serve in an honorary capacity.

Members of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Ingrid Sollerer (chairwoman), Dr. Annette Bhagwati (vice-chairwoman), Haile Gebrselassie, Prof. Netsanet Workneh Gidi, Prof. Dr. Matthias Siebeck and Peter Schwarzenbauer.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees was set up by the Supervisory Board. It advises the Executive Board and Supervisory Board in fundamental matters concerning the purpose of the foundation. It also establishes contacts and solicits donations and bequests. The Board of Trustees consists of up to fifteen members, each of them appointed by the Executive and Supervisory Board for a five year term. The members of the Board of Trustees serve in an honorary capacity.

Members of the Board of Trustees:
Dirk Kasten (chairman), Gunther Beger, Ralf Bos, Dr. Claas Dieter Knoop, Franziska Reh and Harald Spiegel.


If you have questions and comments regarding compliance, please feel free to contact us at compliance@menschenfuermenschen.org. The foundation is advised by external law firms in compliance matters.

Data Protection Supervisor

The data protection supervisor advises the Foundation and its full-time and voluntary employees on data protection issues. A focus is placed on the manner in which personal data is handled.

Data Protection Supervisor:
Dr. Georg F. Schröder

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