Children in the Abdii Borii children's home

Abdii Borii children's home

Abdii Borii children's home

Hope for a better tomorrow

Many children in Ethiopia live in unacceptable conditions. They suffer from hunger, or are sick. Some of them have lost their parents due to diseases or accidents.

About 150 children up to the age of 17 have found a new home in our Abdii Borii orphanage (translated “Hope for a better tomorrow”) in the small town of Mettu. In many cases these are children who were abandoned at hospitals, public authorities or private houses. Frequently the home takes in children whose parents have died or who are unable to care for them due to chronic illness. Most of them suffer from hunger, malnutrition and other diseases attributable to a lack of hygiene.

To date 353 orphans and half-orphans have found a loving home here. At Abdii Borii they have an opportunity to prepare themselves for an independent future.

Education and training

In addition to the attending kindergarten or school, the smaller children do their homework under supervision and receive extra tuition as necessary. The older children and young people help in the home’s own farm, to familiarize them as soon as possible with the challenges of modern and effective farming. The farm enables Abdii Borii to fulfil its own needs with regard to vegetables, fruit, milk and eggs. The children and young people can also work in the home’s woodworking shop.

The children live at the Abdii-Borii children’s home up until the age of 17, when the phase of gradual release into independence begins. The young people then live outside the home and receive either further training in Mettu, education at a TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training Centre) or at a university. They are supported on a monthly basis until the conclusion of their training.

Every euro or every birr you donate to support the children’s home will not only help a single child or young person – you will be laying the foundation stone for a better society.

Sara Nuru, Menschen für Menschen ambassador, at the Abdii Borii home for children and young people.

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