New school building in Illu Gelan - Education



Shaping the future through knowledge

Access to a good school education is still denied to many young Ethiopians. Children – particularly girls – must often assume arduous chores in everyday family routines at an early age and are occupied for hours with fetching water or gathering firewood.

The necessary infrastructure is lacking, particularly in rural areas. The schools are also located far from the home, so that children have to take a kilometre-long hike into account.

If there is a school in the village, it is more often than not a dilapidated, dark hut made of straw, wood and mud. A secondary school education is rarely available in the rural regions. Parents are often unable to afford a school education for their children in the nearest town.

This is the old Primary School in the village Kelecha Jibat in our project region Dano. Menschen für Menschen built a new school here.

Our activities

  • Construction of new schools and renovation of existing schools
  • Equipment of schools with furniture, books and teaching material
  • Construction of vocational training centres
  • Adult education to combat illiteracy

New schools for children and adults

Schools are erected by Menschen für Menschen according to a proven, robust method that has prevailed over many decades. The new and old, still useable buildings also serve needs outside school hours, e.g. for agricultural courses or hygiene training. Literacy courses are also held here, and Ethiopia’s illiteracy rate of about 50% will soon be a thing of the past.

Menschen für Menschen built this school in the project region Wogdi.
In many of the new school buildings courses for adult literacy are offered.

Our achievements

Schools (newly built or extended)
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Centres
Participants in training courses for the rural population
Graduates from the ATTC (bachelor)
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