
Fines and penalty fees

Fines and penalty fees

Your contribution to sustainable change in Ethiopia

With the donation of fines you as public prosecutor, criminal judge, court or tax authority in Germany can make a valuable contribution to the work of the Menschen für Menschen Foundation. As an offender you can suggest to the court that your fine should to be donated to our Foundation. You will be supporting our sustainable integrated project work in the areas of agriculture, water, education, health and income and therewith many needy families.

Special account for fines

With our special account for fines and penalty fees we ensure that for these payments no donation receipts are issued. For this account there are separate payment orders with the stamp “Non-tax deductible”.

Our special account for fines
Stiftung Menschen für Menschen
Volksbank Allgäu-Oberschwaben, Leutkirch/Allgäu
IBAN: DE23 6509 1040 0033 3990 00

Quick and discreet handling of donated fines

  • Separate account management: A separate account for fines ensures that no donation receipts are issued for these payments.
  • Instant reply guaranteed: You will be notified immediately of receipt of payment or default.
  • Treatment with absolute discretion: All information concerning the respective processes will be treated with absolute discretion.


The Menschen für Menschen Foundation guarantees the careful allocation of donations. The Foundation carries the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Affairs (DZI) and is signatory of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative.

You have questions? Contact us:

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